[Frameworks] TB TX DANCE prints
Beebe, Roger W.
2018-11-20 21:48:39 UTC

I’ve just done a second (and possibly final) new run of prints of TB TX DANCE, my 2006 16mm laser-printer film, and I have a few extra prints from that run. I offered them up for sale here last time I did a print run (in 2016) and had some takers, so I thought I do the same again this time. If this link isn’t enough for you & you’re interested in getting a print for yourself or your institution, I’m selling them for the LOW, LOW price of $120 plus shipping ($5 domestic, $20 international):


Do note that I’m only selling the single-channel version, so close your right eye while watching that clip if you want to get the idea! Definitely the most original stocking stuffer for the film lover in your life

